Hola, hello, nî hâo, bonjour.

This t-shirt was inspired by the most common languages teached in some Montessori schools.

I worked for two years in a Montessori school in Durham, North Carolina and it was an emersion of this four languages: Spanish, English, Chinese and French.
It was amazing observing how easily they got accustomed to the sounds and new words.

The child and his absorbent mind are able to learn many languages.
Based on Maria Montessori observations,
the critical period for language is from 7 months in utero until 6 years of age. She said that One should talk to their children as they can absorb languages much more easily and learn a 2nd or 3rd language as a child rather than as an adult.

It is a unique gift you can give to them. Teaching a child a new language can never start too early, as in different stages it develops from learning the pronunciation to learning proper grammar.

By age six, in the Montessori classroom, they will have reached the 3rd point of consciousness in language where they will understand that sounds and words have meaning and that these symbols can be used in writing.

They will become fully articulate, and will be able to express themselves in writing, will be able to read with ease, and have a full comprehension of the thoughts of others.

Raisa Espinet Batista
*Source: Daily Montessori / Montessori Books

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